Saturday, October 2, 2010

happy 1st birthday, joey!

happy. birthday. joey.

your big party today took more out of mom and dad than it did you! you refused to nap once you got home and instead wanted to play, play, PLAY!

anyway, mom and dad just wanted to drop a quick line before...we....fall.....aslee.....

OH! Oh! we wanted to tell you how much WE LOVE YOU and let you know that you truly have brought more joy to our lives than we EVER could have imagined. we are still in awe that you have already become the big boy you are today!

hopefully more soon...with some pictures from the big bash!


  1. Happy 1st Birthday, Joey. What joy and fun you have brought into our lives.

    Grandma Tina and Papa

  2. It was sheer joy to be with you on your first birthday Joey - we love you SO Much and delight in watching you grow !! Love, Nana & Gramps

  3. Happy Birthday, Joey!!! We are so sorry we had to miss your big day :( We can't wait to see the pictures!

  4. Hi there, just stumbled across your blog. I am also a blogging Momma from Cleveland. Happy Birthday to your baby boy!

