while i am waiting anxiously for my cousin to get here, i made myself some new friends in the meantime. and though it may look like my new friend is my shirt in the picture below (or anything else i can manage to grab and stick in my mouth), i am really talking about the guy and gal in the pictures at the bottom of this post...meet Ry Guy and Sammy Sweetheart. First though are some pics of me getting ready for the big meet and greet:
"mom, is this sweater the friend you were talking about? it's good!"

trying my hardest to look good, boy was i nervous:

"does the collar look okay? i want to look my best!"

and finally, my new pals:

we had so much fun! i hope to see them again soon :) maybe
i'll be crawling by then...and more interested in them than in my sweater!!!