Monday, November 30, 2009

i'm still exhausted...

i had a really big day yesterday...i was christened! my Baptism day was really special, with warm weather and bright blue sunny skies, and a whole bunch of family from near and far who joined together to celebrate my admission into the Catholic Church. i couldn't have asked for a better day.

auntie leelee said i look like p-diddy in my outfit...whoever that is!

standing in front of the St. Joseph statue outside our church. get it?

my godparents and parents, apparently from shortest to tallest. what, were they trying to teach me a math lesson or something?

daddy's parents, nana and gramps:

mommy's parents, grandma tina and papa. and another math lesson:

i really almost slept the whole time! getting water poured on your head is tiring!

my cake. wish i could have tried it! maybe they'll freeze some so i can try it one day. what?!? they froze the top of their wedding cake for a year, what's the big deal?

thank you to all my family who made my day so special. as you can see below, you all made me very happy! i love you!

Monday, November 23, 2009

happy birthday, daddy!

my dad turns really old today. i love my daddy so much after 39 weeks in mommy's belly and 51 days in this world. i plan to smile from ear to ear when he comes home from work and holds me. kind of like the pictures below, but better. maybe i will even spit up all over him when he gives me my bottle tonight, just like i did last night, when he was wearing his lucky chicago bears jersey and i totally ruined it!

I LOVE YOU, DADDY! and mommy loves you too :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i am pretty sure i have single-handedly made this your best birthday ever...just sayin' :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

go cleveland!

this week was full of sports...and butts (to be explained later). i got to watch a lot of sports on tv with dad while mom rolled her eyes and kept asking when she could change the channel. the only thing she likes about sports is dressing me in the appropriate fan gear.

this week was also full of lots of errands. never did mom think that she would put on a dress to go to a garden store but she was so excited to finally leave the house! mom and dad even took me on my first trip to target and giant eagle, two places they say i will soon become very family with.

mom also attempted to put me in the baby bjorn, and with auntie jenna's help, was eventually successful. except she has me in it right now and let me tell you, i am pretty darn uncomfortable (hence the brevity of this post).

i said i'd explain butt time...and here it is. mom read that prolonged exposure to air will help dry my butt and get rid of this rash. one night, she asked dad to do 'butt time' (they have silly names for everything) and he didn't quite know what to do, so he improvised (see picture below). mom knew very well what the end result could be but wanted to let dad try it out his way. sure enough, dad decided the new name for the activity should be 'human urinal'; you can guess why :)

go browns!

go cavs! don't laugh at my baby booties ;)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i did OWLot last week!

last week i had lots of milestones! i drank from the bottle every night, i smiled a lot, i wore big boy clothes, i went to the mall (dad finally let me out in public!) and i weighed enough that when i sat in the bouncer it actually bounced! take a look...

here's a half-a-smile. mom's camera is a bit too delayed and missed all my big smiles!

here's another take on my smile. mom sure was trying really hard to get a good picture!

here you can see a visit from auntie leelee. she brought mom and dad's fave item from danny quesadillas! you may think this picture of me is horrible, but i actually wanted you to see my 'poop face'. it is a sure-thing that when i make this face, you can bet there could potentially be a poop emergency shortly thereafter!

auntie traci also visited that day. she did a good job taking care of me and charley at the same time. i am going to call her "t" just like her nephew gavin does!

here i wanted to give a shout out to all the other little boys out there wearing sweater rompers!

slowly but surely, charley and i are becoming real pals. i love watching him. he loves watching me too...umm, not so much.

auntie jenine and auntie krista bought me another really cool big boy outfit...something without owls! and if you look closely, you can see i am really enjoying my pacifier!

i bet next week i look a lot bigger in my pictures because i am eating all the time! i have a feeling a growth spurt is on the way...stay tuned!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

uh oh!

mom is sick! i will write this week's update when i am done taking care of her :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

happy hOWLoween!

so there were lots of accomplishments this week. most notably, i started using a pacifier (i love it!) and i lost all the hair on the top of my head. literally, one day i had hair, the next day i didn't!

on top of these milestones, i had the fortune of visiting the doctor again...yippee!(sarcasm) only to find out a have diaper rash and mom and dad were asked to concoct some mixture of aquaphor and maalox...don't ask. the good thing was, we found out i weigh 8 lbs 6 oz, which is more than 2 lbs greater than what i weighed when i left the hospital at 6 lbs 2 oz!

oh yeah...and i was supposedly allowed to venture outside the house as of yesterday...but mom and dad are so scared of the swine flu that the farthest i got was the backseat of mom's car as mom and dad took turns going into different places to run errands!

they did, however, let me visit auntie jenna (who i plan to call auntie jean, though she doesn't know it yet) and uncle gary at their house. and we also visited grandma tina and papa at their house as they passed out candy to the trick-or-treaters. i'm pretty sure i was the cutest trick-or-treater they saw though (pictures below)!

here are some pictures of the highlights of my week:

the first day i used a pacifier (note i still had some hair):

uncle andy visited me for the first time:

grandma tina and me:

papa and me (i know, mom dresses me funny):

more halloween clothes:

my halloween outfit, and i even posed for this picture..."up, up, and away!":

chillin' in my swing:

pumped to watch the bears play the said it was the worst game of all time. me and mom couldn't care less!

dad playing school with me. mom does this everyday but dad has to work so he only gets to do it on the if only i could get him to sing to me:

hopefully to come next first bottle!!! stay tuned...